Wednesday, 4 March 2009

What I've Been Listening To

Sorry to everyone with a slow internet connection.

Just an excuse to be lazy really.

Privateer Space Suit

Privateer Space Suit Design

Lately I've been doodling more, which is good.

This is the first time I've coloured any of my own stuff so it's not the best quality, but I'm happy with it.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Getting Old

Getting Old

Keep an eye on my blog for some extra stuff about the comic. I'll be putting them up weekly to bi-weekly.

Hope you enjoy them.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Why Are These Cretins Allowed Children?

I saw a story on the Guardian site about 9 parents complaining about Cbeebies presenter; Cerrie Burnell because she was born with one arm.

I am glad to see, that from reading the comments, I'm not the only one who thinks this is fucking stupid.

If anything, it's a positive thing that children have disabled role models and are exposed to disability and equality through this at such an early age.

Maybe we could please all these stupid bastards by getting rid of everything on TV. Ever.


The Hit

Here are some test shots for a comic I was going to make, named "The Hit".

Just click the pictures to see the Flickr photo page.

The Hit

"The Hit" Test Page

The Lights At Night

The last one was actually shot for the test page but I liked it so much that I had to show it on it's own.

The page turned out to be more of a fun practise in style and cinematography. I really enjoyed making it.

Tell me what you think.

Monday, 23 February 2009

PC Vs. Mac

PC Vs. Mac

I love my old, half-broken, virus-infected PC.

New Tablet

I got a new tablet today, and I love it.

It reminds me of i-Robot, so fingers crossed it doesn't start a technological rebellion. The last thing I need is to wake up to the blender, microwave and my TV attempting to take over the world.

The Sound of Silence and a Single Gun Shot

I've just been playing around with lighting and thought it looked decent here.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

"Ironic" T-shirts

Ironic T-shirts piss me off.

"That's like, genius."

Although your twatty friends are stunned by your amazing grasp of basic sarcasm, everyone else just sees a dick in a stupid T-shirt.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

New Poll

I've added a new poll to the sidebar asking what you would like to see more of. You can choose multiple answers but please only choose 3 at the most.

Notice: I probably won't act on the results.

General Ramblings

I seem to be building more, which is odd. But just tiny stuff like this:

Oddball Heavy Fighter

See? I would build something at a bigger scale but I'm lazy and watching TV is easier. I hate taking photos of anything yellow and shiny, why do all my photos of yellow suck so bad? Maybe it's the lamp. Fucking lamps.

I guess I should update this more regularly too. I can't remember the last time I posted something, but I'll echo it again; I'm hideously lazy.

I was also thinking of making a Twitter, then realised I just don't like stalkers enough.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

The Wheelie Bin Kid

Because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to do anything most of the time brilliant ideas such as this don't cross my mind every second, sometimes I'll just post a video that I find funny.

This video is from the Ricky Gervais show on XFM.

The story is courtesy of the accidentally funny Karl Pilkington.

If you liked that, here's some more because I'm feeling generous: Karl on the Supernatural, School Photo, and the whole channel!

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

I'm a Genius

I have a plan. A plan so brilliant, you'll probably laugh.

But, they laughed at Aristotle, Newton and Einstein! (I have no historical conformation of these but people were mad religious back then.)

It's a way of solving four problems all at once. That's right! Forget two birds with one stone... I'm taking out a whole cage with a grenade*.

Okay, first I'll address the problems: 1) Obesity. This country has gotten chubby as of late. 2) NHS under-funding. 3) Olympic budget. 4) Boring TV.

And now, the plan! We need to get these fat people thin right? We need to cut the budget for the Olympics right? We need to give more money to the NHS right? You're tired of the endless drivel being put out on TV right?

So what we do, is kidnap a majority of the fat people and send them to sports centres around the country. Lock them in there and put them on training programs until the Olympics arrives. We have athletes! The cost of these "training camps" will be funded by the BBC so no more money will be spent by the government on funding training programs, living expenses etc. The BBC will fund it because they'll get to make a TV show, after all you can't be doing a good deed without making a TV show out of it! Take the money saved from funding the athletes and put it into the budget for the NHS.

Future gold medallists.

Now we've cured obesity, got a good TV show, cut some funding on the Olympics and put more money into the National Health Service!

I'm a fucking genius.

*Don't throw grenades at birds. It makes a terrible mess.

Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love

A little something I took after getting the Clone Walker Battle Pack.

It's amazing how emotive those blank faced helmets can be with a little posing.

More clones here.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Truth in Advertising

Truth in Advertising, originally uploaded by skonen_blades.

I saw this on flickr, and it's true.

If your love with her depends on a ring then tell her to fuck off. She's not the one.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Webcam "Hacking" To Beat Boredom

Okay, because more and more security cameras are being run through internet feeds so they can be viewed remotely, they're getting easier to "hack" into. I used commas because this isn't really hacking as these webcams are run through the internet without protection so are easily viewable providing you have the codes.

This is a fun way to beat boredom. It only takes a quick google search to find all the codes but I'll give you this one:

intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login

Just copy and paste that into google and you'll have a list of webcams to play with. I gave you that specific one because you can move the camera around, so providing people are there, you can piss off security guards everywhere.

"Fuck you, robots!"


Update: I realise that most of you (like me) will be too lazy to fish around for the codes so here's a full list:









intitle:”live view” intitle:axis


allintitle:”Network Camera NetworkCamera”

intitle:axis intitle:”video server”

intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl

intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam.html”

intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed”

intitle:”Live View / - AXIS”

intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 206M”

intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 206W”

intitle:”Live View / - AXIS 210″

inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis


intitle:start inurl:cgistart

intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”

intext:”MOBOTIX M1″ intext:”Open Menu”

intext:”MOBOTIX M10″ intext:”Open Menu”

intext:”MOBOTIX D10″ intext:”Open Menu”

intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/

intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/

intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/

intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1″

intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1″

intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login

intitle:”netcam live image”

intitle:”i-Catcher Console - Web Monitor”

Monday, 26 January 2009



Here's a quicky.

Blah Blah Bang

Ted's tired of all these celebrities turning up on his show so he decided to take action and tell them to kindly fuck off.

Saturday, 24 January 2009

As Seen At...

... The TFOL Blog!

Check it out.



Friday, 23 January 2009

I Dislike What This Program Is Saying So It Should Be Banned.

Aren't angry, right-wing crackpots so cute? Every time somebody so much as farts on TV, they show up and call for it to be banned and they won't go away until the TV station has stroked their little heads and said; "Don't worry, Mommy will make it all better.." Like a toddler that got called a name by a kid in the playground.

Why are you even watching these things if they offend you? Oh yes. You LIKE complaining, I would even say you get off on it and to be honest it's getting a little creepy. I'm offended that you think you have the right to send everything that you don't like into the fiery pits of hell as if it were the Devil himself.

"Damn you, freedom of expression!"

Don't you see the irony in your argument? You're arguing for these things that offend you to vanish. You want to take away the very right that you're using to say you want to get rid of that right.

And because I feel bad for you, and I want to help you I've created a little guide you can follow every time somebody says a naughty word on that picture box of yours.

Imagine the scenario; you've seen something you don't like and you can feel the vein in your head starting to pulse and your fists starting to clench, you're reaching for the phone to complain and this is where you should STOP!

Step 1: Instead of grabbing your phone, grab the remote for your TV.

Step 2: Now press the change channel button.

Step 3: Relax.

That was easy wasn't it? I find that this can work even better if you make yourself a cup of tea before-hand to help you stay calm and relaxed.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Fuck You, Ted.

I made this comic because whenever I watch the news, it's interesting to see the passive aggressive comments some of the presenters make. I always expect one of them to snap and take it too far, so I imagine this is what it would look like.

There's a pop at general media in there too about how they put celebrities ahead of the rest of the world. Because a celebrity buying shampoo is more important than a world disaster folks!

I realise how vulgar the third panel is but I couldn't think of a better way of phrasing it.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009


Okay, I know what you are thinking; "Oh great, another fucking blog."


You have one. I hope you stick around and read because I'll be posting about everything, everything I find interesting that is. Hopefully you'll find it as interesting I do or are merely amused by my ramblings and thoughts. Either way, it's here.

An introduction about me:

I am 16 and live in the UK. I'm pretty geeky. I will probably update quite regularly because I am NEVER busy. I had to leave school in year 10 because of "issues", and I don't have a job because it's nearly impossible to get one at my age in the current Credit Crunch (I fucking hate that phrase). So neither of those take up my time. Where I live is hardly the most entertaining of places, with the nicest of people. As you can guess, it gets pretty boring.

Anyway, until next time.
